Confirming in Kubuntu Hardy Beta (console-setup 1.21ubuntu4).
The problem seems threefold:
1) After clean install console character set is "Uni1". It should be "Lat2" for hu_HU.
When hacking around in mc on console (eg. change some X setting) it is very annoying that there is no bright attribute (Uni1 has 512 chars).
This can be solved with dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and selecting Lat2 as console character set.
2) With Uni1 character set some accented chars appear brighter. Maybe those with character code >= 256 (bright attribute set).
Maybe this is a feature, not a bug?
3) With Uni1 switching from console to X then back makes characters described in 2) appear as garbage.
Executing setupcon solves the problem.
Confirming in Kubuntu Hardy Beta (console-setup 1.21ubuntu4).
The problem seems threefold:
1) After clean install console character set is "Uni1". It should be "Lat2" for hu_HU.
When hacking around in mc on console (eg. change some X setting) it is very annoying that there is no bright attribute (Uni1 has 512 chars).
This can be solved with dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and selecting Lat2 as console character set.
2) With Uni1 character set some accented chars appear brighter. Maybe those with character code >= 256 (bright attribute set).
Maybe this is a feature, not a bug?
3) With Uni1 switching from console to X then back makes characters described in 2) appear as garbage.
Executing setupcon solves the problem.