Hello from 2015! Since this bug is still open I thought it might help if I post how I resolved the error on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS headless server:
apt-get install python-gobject policykit-1
Edit XML configuration file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.ComputerJanitor.conf
and add following line as a child of the <policy context="default"> element: <allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.ComputerJanitor"/>
It should look like this
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy user="root"> <allow own="com.ubuntu.ComputerJanitor"/>
Hello from 2015! Since this bug is still open I thought it might help if I post how I resolved the error on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS headless server:
apt-get install python-gobject policykit-1
Edit XML configuration file /etc/dbus- 1/system. d/com.ubuntu. ComputerJanitor .conf n="com. ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "/>
and add following line as a child of the <policy context="default"> element: <allow send_destinatio
It should look like this p//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN" www.freedesktop .org/standards/ dbus/1. 0/busconfig. dtd">
<allow own="com. ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "/>
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
<policy user="root">
<policy context="default">
<allow send_interface= "com.ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "/>
<allow receive_ interface= "com.ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "
receive_ sender= "com.ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "/>
<allow send_destinatio n="com. ubuntu. ComputerJanitor "/>