I had the same problem (new windows placing on the wrond display if using multiple displays with Unity in Ubuntu 11.10).
First I installed the Compiz-Settings-manager [sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager].
In the Settings-manger, I checked the "Place Windows"-Plugin. There you will have all possible variations to fill you needs.
BUT, to get it work correctly, I needed to enter in a shell: [export DISPLAY=:0].
And then it works until you reboot. Of course you can launch a script at startup that does this automatically.
I had the same problem (new windows placing on the wrond display if using multiple displays with Unity in Ubuntu 11.10).
First I installed the Compiz- Settings- manager [sudo apt-get install compizconfig- settings- manager] .
In the Settings-manger, I checked the "Place Windows"-Plugin. There you will have all possible variations to fill you needs.
BUT, to get it work correctly, I needed to enter in a shell: [export DISPLAY=:0].
And then it works until you reboot. Of course you can launch a script at startup that does this automatically.