Well I did
gconftool-2 --set --type=list --list-type=string /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins "[core,composite,opengl,decor,snap,vpswitch,compiztoolbox,gnomecompat,imgpng,unitygrabhandles,grid,copytex,place,move,wall,resize,session,regex,widget,mousepoll,animation,fade,expo,scale,workarounds,unityshell]"
Now I don't get any bug report when doing
gtk-window-decorator --replace
The fact that it was empty seems odd to me, but I still don't have any decor :/.
Well I did 1/general/ screen0/ options/ active_ plugins "[core, composite, opengl, decor,snap, vpswitch, compiztoolbox, gnomecompat, imgpng, unitygrabhandle s,grid, copytex, place,move, wall,resize, session, regex,widget, mousepoll, animation, fade,expo, scale,workaroun ds,unityshell] "
gconftool-2 --set --type=list --list-type=string /apps/compiz-
Now I don't get any bug report when doing decorator --replace
The fact that it was empty seems odd to me, but I still don't have any decor :/.