This bug boggles my mind. Looking at the human-theme Launchpad code page it looks like the code for the Human theme packages hasn’t been updated since 2011. Why would it stop working now?! Maybe a bug needs to be filed with GTK?
(I’m also using Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS. This problem began for me when I upgraded from 16.04 LTS.)
I’d like to see this fixed, the Human theme was the last vestige of the 2000s-era Ubuntu I loved :(
This bug boggles my mind. Looking at the human-theme Launchpad code page https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~ubuntu- art-pkg/ human-theme/ ubuntu it looks like the code for the Human theme packages hasn’t been updated since 2011. Why would it stop working now?! Maybe a bug needs to be filed with GTK?
(I’m also using Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS. This problem began for me when I upgraded from 16.04 LTS.)
I’d like to see this fixed, the Human theme was the last vestige of the 2000s-era Ubuntu I loved :(