Tired Sysadmin, what you say isn't true. That PR you reference was an attempt for me to get an upload to happen a day or two earlier, but I realized that it wouldn't work.
The change isn't in upstream because it doesn't affect upstream. It is an Ubuntu-packaging specific issue, so it only exists within Ubuntu packaging. It will be included as part of the Ubuntu packaging when 23.3 is released to our supported series. 23.3 hasn't made it to supported series as that requires a separate process. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudinitUpdates for details. The 23.3 release with the packaging change you're looking for has been uploaded as is currently waiting on review to be accepted into the proposed pocket. Once it is accepted, it will be available for testing. Once testing and requisite soak time has completed, it will be released to -updates accordingly.
Tired Sysadmin, what you say isn't true. That PR you reference was an attempt for me to get an upload to happen a day or two earlier, but I realized that it wouldn't work.
The change isn't in upstream because it doesn't affect upstream. It is an Ubuntu-packaging specific issue, so it only exists within Ubuntu packaging. It will be included as part of the Ubuntu packaging when 23.3 is released to our supported series. 23.3 hasn't made it to supported series as that requires a separate process. See https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/StableRelea seUpdates and https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/CloudinitUp dates for details. The 23.3 release with the packaging change you're looking for has been uploaded as is currently waiting on review to be accepted into the proposed pocket. Once it is accepted, it will be available for testing. Once testing and requisite soak time has completed, it will be released to -updates accordingly.