After discussion on this bug, we've decided the best approach for cloud-init in the short term is to extend the OVF datasource to allow for setting datasource configuration options to allow merging from both VMWare IMC data and OVF user-data.
Such configuration would be provided in /etc/cloud/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_somename.cfg
mergemetadata: true|false # If true, merge metadata from any DataSourceOVF-supported source
mergeorder: [ovf, vmware-tools]
The mergeorder above says that any vmware-tools(IMC) metadata will override any discovered duplicate configuration keys found in ovf.
After discussion on this bug, we've decided the best approach for cloud-init in the short term is to extend the OVF datasource to allow for setting datasource configuration options to allow merging from both VMWare IMC data and OVF user-data.
Such configuration would be provided in /etc/cloud/ cloud/cloud. cfg.d/90_ somename. cfg
Datasource: data: true|false # If true, merge metadata from any DataSourceOVF- supported source
mergeorder: [ovf, vmware-tools]
The mergeorder above says that any vmware-tools(IMC) metadata will override any discovered duplicate configuration keys found in ovf.