Looking at the upstream repo for clamav I suspect the following commit is required to be backported to clamav in lunar https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/commit/375ecf678c714623e6fb5c0119d1bec98dc700dd - or that a merge is done of clamav-1.0.0+dfsg-6 to lunar.
The merge is likely the best option I suspect.
Looking at the upstream repo for clamav I suspect the following commit is required to be backported to clamav in lunar https:/ /github. com/Cisco- Talos/clamav/ commit/ 375ecf678c71462 3e6fb5c0119d1be c98dc700dd - or that a merge is done of clamav-1.0.0+dfsg-6 to lunar.
The merge is likely the best option I suspect.