I've used both cinepaint and qtpfsgui a fair amount. qtpfsgui only lets you merge multiple LDR images to HDR, and optionally tone map them back to LDR (this last conversion is what is often incorrectly referred to as "HDR").
CinePaint is a full image editor that supports HDR images. Does that sufficiently answer your question?
I've used both cinepaint and qtpfsgui a fair amount. qtpfsgui only lets you merge multiple LDR images to HDR, and optionally tone map them back to LDR (this last conversion is what is often incorrectly referred to as "HDR").
CinePaint is a full image editor that supports HDR images. Does that sufficiently answer your question?
I suspect you're more familiar with the incorrect usage of the term HDR. This might help: en.wikipedia. org/wiki/ High_dynamic_ range_imaging
I am not familiar with Krita.
Thank you for your work.