[ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
* DistUpgradeCache: Ignore BaseMetaPkgs' & obsolete tasks during server upgrade
(LP: #1872902)
[ Brian Murray ]
* data/mirrors.cfg: update as some mirrors have been removed as they do not
mirror Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
* data/demoted.bionic.cfg: updated for packages that were removed nearer
the release date.
-- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Tue, 05 May 2020 15:26:02 -0700
This bug was fixed in the package ubuntu- release- upgrader - 1:20.04.19
--------------- release- upgrader (1:20.04.19) focal; urgency=medium
[ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
* DistUpgradeCache: Ignore BaseMetaPkgs' & obsolete tasks during server upgrade
(LP: #1872902)
[ Brian Murray ] bionic. cfg: updated for packages that were removed nearer
* data/mirrors.cfg: update as some mirrors have been removed as they do not
mirror Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
* data/demoted.
the release date.
-- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Tue, 05 May 2020 15:26:02 -0700