Hi again! @Olivier, maybe I'm a bit lost, but don't we need "use_vaapi = true" in the GN arguments? https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/gpu/vaapi.md#vaapi-on-linux
I don't see it set here: https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snap-from-source/tree/build/args.gn?h=stable
Or maybe is it set by default since 2020? https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/d658439002fc9bc6b4deeec71738600402ea9742
Sorry for the noise if that's the case!
Hi again! @Olivier, maybe I'm a bit lost, but don't we need "use_vaapi = true" in the GN arguments? https:/ /chromium. googlesource. com/chromium/ src/+/refs/ heads/main/ docs/gpu/ vaapi.md# vaapi-on- linux
I don't see it set here: https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~chromium- team/chromium- browser/ +git/snap- from-source/ tree/build/ args.gn? h=stable
Or maybe is it set by default since 2020? https:/ /chromium. googlesource. com/chromium/ src.git/ +/d658439002fc9 bc6b4deeec71738 600402ea9742
Sorry for the noise if that's the case!