the LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH override shouldn't be needed in the next build Nathan started.
Using vulkan isn't working and the UseChromeOSDirectVideoDecoder option is deprecated according to upstream, I commented about that on but meanwhile it seems to be working (tested on a gen10 intel CPU)
Try the snap from https:/ /launchpad. net/~nteodosio/ +snap/chromium- browser- hwacc/+ build/1804711 I got VDAVideoDecoder working doing
$ LIBVA_DRIVERS_ PATH=/snap/ chromium/ current/ usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ dri/ chromium --use-gl=egl --enable- features= VaapiVideoDecod er,VaapiVideoEn coder --disable- features= UseChromeOSDire ctVideoDecoder --ignore- gpu-blocklist --disable- gpu-driver- bug-workaround video.mp4
The cpu usage is quite lower trying on a local video downloaded from https:/ /github. com/chthomos/ video-media- samples as an example
the LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH override shouldn't be needed in the next build Nathan started.
Using vulkan isn't working and the UseChromeOSDire ctVideoDecoder option is deprecated according to upstream, I commented about that on https:/ /bugs.chromium. org/p/chromium/ issues/ detail? id=1236697 but meanwhile it seems to be working (tested on a gen10 intel CPU)