I have identified at power management at least 5 critical bug in the last 3 years which hasn't been solved. For example one year before my battery lifetime showed 4 hours, now just 2 hours. 2 years before 2 hours. So in the middle of the time frame something has been fixed and after that the fix has been reverted.
I have removed also the diagram from my top bar, which shows the cpu usage. (as I have read forums, that 120HZ might kill something in Ubuntu while animating - that one solved the system-ud hog - as a process hasn't locked something right away, with a delayed chrome start, the system was more stable)
I have identified at power management at least 5 critical bug in the last 3 years which hasn't been solved. For example one year before my battery lifetime showed 4 hours, now just 2 hours. 2 years before 2 hours. So in the middle of the time frame something has been fixed and after that the fix has been reverted.
I have removed also the diagram from my top bar, which shows the cpu usage. (as I have read forums, that 120HZ might kill something in Ubuntu while animating - that one solved the system-ud hog - as a process hasn't locked something right away, with a delayed chrome start, the system was more stable)