This appears similar to the build errors in
Those were initially addressed by disabling exception handling on armhf ( and later with a patch that supposedly implements exception handling on armhf (, not forwarded upstream).
This appears similar to the build errors in https:/ /bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 761193.
Those were initially addressed by disabling exception handling on armhf (https:/ /anonscm. debian. org/viewvc/ pkg-llvm/ libcxx/ trunk/debian/ patches/ disable- arm-excep- handling. diff) and later with a patch that supposedly implements exception handling on armhf (https:/ /anonscm. debian. org/viewvc/ pkg-llvm/ libcxx/ trunk/debian/ patches/ libcxxabi- arm-ehabi- fix.patch, not forwarded upstream).