Comment 75 for bug 1702407

Revision history for this message (kingsting) wrote :

The browser is an example demo from QtWebengine 5.9.1. I cross compile it and run it on my arm linux board. The version of the linux kernel is 3.6.5 ,which not support sandbox ,so i disabled it. The browser's build arguments is march=armv7a, mfpu=vfpv3, mfloat-abi=softfp. But the linux kernel was built with soft float(When i build it with vfp ,it cann't start up). The arm cpu is contex-A9 with VFPv3 and NEON, without gpu(I use mesa library instead).

Everytime when i run the browser, the render process will exit with some code ,such as 9,11,256.

I got the error logs:
The first type is "[2109:2111:0901/] Check failed: min_contents_scale > 0.f (0.0625 vs. 0)"
The second type is " Received signal 11 SEGV_MAPERR 000000000000".

I debug the browser found that the error may occur in module cc, or module blink, or module base.

I guess the basic error is the float calculation error which check 0.0625 > 0.f get false or calculate log(1000) get a mistake.

Additionally, the QtWebKit browser can run normally on my board. I build the two browser together. The difference is the QtWebEngine browser use FPU, GPU and sandbox which QtWebKit not use.

Maybe the error was caused by my board, not the QtWebEngine browser. I try many times but don't know how to solve it.

Thank you.