Anyway. I took a Dell Inspiron 1545 and connected to a wireless network named Ubuntu. I then renamed the "Wired Connection 1" default ethernet to "Ubuntu". nmcli con list shows two Ubuntu networks. The first one that appears on the list is the Ethernet one.
As per the reproduction case I unplug the Ethernet cable. I'm able to ping some hosts on the wireless network as I'm still connected on that one.
I then run /usr/share/checkbox/scripts/connect_wireless from Checkbox 0.12.8 and I get:
Error: Device 'eth0' (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1) disconnecting failed: This device is not active
Device state: 30 (disconnected)
Error: Unknown connection: 343b92b1-1049-406c-bfd9-a636b93cacdf 8ddcecca-5513-495f-9525-b611bf620868.
The wireless connection remains disconnected and I can't ping anything.
I then installed Checkbox 0.12.9 from -proposed. I brought up the wireless connection. I then ran the same script and got the same result :( (notice the slight difference in the last line, here it can't even find a connection name)
Error: device 'eth0 (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1) disconnecting failed: this device is not active
Device state: 30 (disconnected)
Error: Unknown connection: .
I went looking into the code and the problem is that, even though it's now filtering only the wireless connections (line 11 of connect_wireless), it had to add the TYPE field to nmcli output to be able to do so. However, later in the same line, it looks for the network name at the *end* of the line (grep -e '$ap$' where $ap contains the network name). Since the TYPE field was added at the end of the line, the script fails in a slightly different way.
The fix for the fix is to swap TYPE and NAME in line 11 so the field list looks like UUID,TYPE,NAME.
As the SRUed fix is not working as intended, I'll mark verification-failed. Also, the faulty code is also present in checkbox trunk, it will have to be fixed there as well.
Please let me know how to proceed with this bug report.
Hi, I'm Daniel, but not the original reporter :)
Anyway. I took a Dell Inspiron 1545 and connected to a wireless network named Ubuntu. I then renamed the "Wired Connection 1" default ethernet to "Ubuntu". nmcli con list shows two Ubuntu networks. The first one that appears on the list is the Ethernet one.
As per the reproduction case I unplug the Ethernet cable. I'm able to ping some hosts on the wireless network as I'm still connected on that one.
I then run /usr/share/ checkbox/ scripts/ connect_ wireless from Checkbox 0.12.8 and I get:
Error: Device 'eth0' (/org/freedeskt op/NetworkManag er/Devices/ 1) disconnecting failed: This device is not active 1049-406c- bfd9-a636b93cac df 8ddcecca- 5513-495f- 9525-b611bf6208 68.
Device state: 30 (disconnected)
Error: Unknown connection: 343b92b1-
The wireless connection remains disconnected and I can't ping anything.
I then installed Checkbox 0.12.9 from -proposed. I brought up the wireless connection. I then ran the same script and got the same result :( (notice the slight difference in the last line, here it can't even find a connection name)
Error: device 'eth0 (/org/freedeskt op/NetworkManag er/Devices/ 1) disconnecting failed: this device is not active
Device state: 30 (disconnected)
Error: Unknown connection: .
I went looking into the code and the problem is that, even though it's now filtering only the wireless connections (line 11 of connect_wireless), it had to add the TYPE field to nmcli output to be able to do so. However, later in the same line, it looks for the network name at the *end* of the line (grep -e '$ap$' where $ap contains the network name). Since the TYPE field was added at the end of the line, the script fails in a slightly different way.
The fix for the fix is to swap TYPE and NAME in line 11 so the field list looks like UUID,TYPE,NAME.
As the SRUed fix is not working as intended, I'll mark verification- failed. Also, the faulty code is also present in checkbox trunk, it will have to be fixed there as well.
Please let me know how to proceed with this bug report.