* d/lib-systemd/system/ceph-create-keys.service: Automatically create
admin and bootstrap keys after ceph mon startup (LP: #1435450).
* d/p/vivid-does-systemd.patch: Ensure that disks prepared on vivid
or later use systemd for init (LP: #1435464).
* d/lib-systemd/system/*.service: Align nofile limits and restart config
with equivalent upstart configurations.
-- James Page <email address hidden> Tue, 24 Mar 2015 12:30:14 +0000
This bug was fixed in the package ceph - 0.93-0ubuntu5
ceph (0.93-0ubuntu5) vivid; urgency=medium
* d/lib-systemd/ system/ ceph-create- keys.service: Automatically create does-systemd. patch: Ensure that disks prepared on vivid system/ *.service: Align nofile limits and restart config
admin and bootstrap keys after ceph mon startup (LP: #1435450).
* d/p/vivid-
or later use systemd for init (LP: #1435464).
* d/lib-systemd/
with equivalent upstart configurations.
-- James Page <email address hidden> Tue, 24 Mar 2015 12:30:14 +0000