> Did you patch lp1977644.iso (as discussed in bug 1922342) by
> ISO=lp1977644.iso
> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=16 of="$ISO" conv=notrunc seek=462
> before you put it on the USB stick ?
Alas NO I missed that... I didn't realize I was supposed to sorry.
(won't do it tonight; and tomorrow my focus is Ubuntu News, but I'll try to re-test)
> Did you patch lp1977644.iso (as discussed in bug 1922342) by
> ISO=lp1977644.iso
> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=16 of="$ISO" conv=notrunc seek=462
> before you put it on the USB stick ?
Alas NO I missed that... I didn't realize I was supposed to sorry.
(won't do it tonight; and tomorrow my focus is Ubuntu News, but I'll try to re-test)