Yes, sorry. I had no more time yesterday. Here's the output + attachment from "Capturing print job data":
sander@sander-thuis:~$ cancel -a
(don't know how to find out the queue name - the wiki document doesn't explain this, so used system-config-printer to disable the print queue)
sander@sander-thuis:~$ lpstat -o HP-Color-LaserJet-CP2020-42 sander 1385472 Wed 16 Mar 2011 09:47:08 AM CET
sander@sander-thuis:~$ sudo ls -1 /var/spool/cups d00042-001 tmp
sander@sander-thuis:~$ sudo cp /var/spool/cups/d00042-001 ~/printout
sander@sander-thuis:~$ sudo chmod 777 ~/printout
(re-enabled the print queue using system-config-printer)
sander@sander-thuis:~$ file ~/printout /home/sander/printout: PDF document, version 1.5
Yes, sorry. I had no more time yesterday. Here's the output + attachment from "Capturing print job data":
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ cancel -a
(don't know how to find out the queue name - the wiki document doesn't explain this, so used system- config- printer to disable the print queue)
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ lpstat -o LaserJet- CP2020- 42 sander 1385472 Wed 16 Mar 2011 09:47:08 AM CET
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ sudo ls -1 /var/spool/cups
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ sudo cp /var/spool/ cups/d00042- 001 ~/printout
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ sudo chmod 777 ~/printout
(re-enabled the print queue using system- config- printer)
sander@ sander- thuis:~ $ file ~/printout printout: PDF document, version 1.5