Comment 29 for bug 164233

Revision history for this message
In , Adrian Johnson (ajohnson-redneon) wrote :

(In reply to comment #1)
> The shadings are split into chunks; the chunks are rendered with blank
> space between.
> Another example (this is a type 7 shading, converted from ps by gs):

This is not quite the same as the LibreOffice PDF. The LibreOffice PDF is emulating a gradient by drawing series of rectangles. XYZsweep contains a native PDF gradient. The seams in the cairo rendering of XYZsweep have been fixed with the release of cairo 1.12 which supports Type 6/7 gradients.

XYZsweep.pdf is an interesting test case. Cairo (using cairo 1.12 and poppler master) renders this almost the same as acroread while splash renders it similar to ghostscript with a much larger pink area in the bottom right. I'm not sure which is correct. Printing the file as a PDF to my printer (I don't know who makes the PDF interpreter for Xerox printers) results in the same output as acroread. After printing the file to PS using acroread, ghostscript still renders it the same with the larger pink area but my printer (Adobe PS interpreter) gets it wrong with large blob of dark blue on the bottom right.