Thanks for the interest in contributing Kesten. There's actually a great way for you to get started here, as your suggestion to warn when adding large files was recently implemented on the development version of Bazaar, and you can follow nearly the whole process Shannon went through in the merge proposal here:
Thanks for the interest in contributing Kesten. There's actually a great way for you to get started here, as your suggestion to warn when adding large files was recently implemented on the development version of Bazaar, and you can follow nearly the whole process Shannon went through in the merge proposal here:
<https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~weyrick/ bzr/54624- warn-on- large-files/ +merge/ 70691>
Drop by IRC or join the mailing list for more assistance:
<irc://irc. freenode. net/bzr> /lists. ubuntu. com/mailman/ listinfo/ bazaar>