So, additionally, when this fails again, try the following (after inspecting the logs as described above):
1. Manually start the client using: sudo invoke-rc.d boinc-client start
2. Looking at other errors like that (via Google, e.g., this appears to come from boincmgr, and not "boinc" itself; please check the list of running process via "ps aux | grep boinc" when it failed to start.
This _might_ be related, at least there's the same "failed with error 2" message, but after a connect: bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 360143
So, additionally, when this fails again, try the following (after inspecting the logs as described above): 128.32. 18.189/ trac/ticket/ 923), this appears to come from boincmgr, and not "boinc" itself; please check the list of running process via "ps aux | grep boinc" when it failed to start.
1. Manually start the client using: sudo invoke-rc.d boinc-client start
2. Looking at other errors like that (via Google, e.g. http://