Comment 4 for bug 1760092

Revision history for this message
Battant (mparchet) wrote :


in source code I found :


    def update_progress(self, time, totaltime):
        if not self.discovering:
            return False

        self.__discovery_time += time

        progress = self.__discovery_time / totaltime
        if progress >= 1.0:
            progress = 1.0
        if self.__discovery_time >= totaltime:
            return False

what is distroy_time :

why distroy

can I change the distroy time ?

Could you help me plese to fix this bug ?

My configuration

lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu Disco Dingo (development branch)
Release: 19.04
Codename: disco

Best regards
