Comment 0 for bug 1482626

Revision history for this message
Martin Wimpress  (flexiondotorg) wrote : Sync blueman 2.0-1 (universe) from Debian stretch (main)

Please sync blueman 2.0-1 (universe) from Debian stretch (main)

Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:
  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - debian/patches/01_dont_autostart_lxde.patch:
      + Don't autostart the applet in LXDE.
    - debian/patches/03_filemanager_fix.patch:
      + Add support for more filemanagers.
  * debian/patches/02_dont_crash_on_non-bluetooth_card.patch:
    - Dropped, no longer applicable.
  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - debian/patches/01_dont_autostart_lxde.patch:
      + Don't autostart the applet in LXDE.
    - debian/patches/03_filemanager_fix.patch:
      + Add support for more filemanagers.
  * debian/patches/02_dont_crash_on_non-bluetooth_card.patch:
    - Dropped, no longer applicable.
  * Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - debian/patches/01_dont_autostart_lxde.patch:
      + Don't autostart the applet in LXDE
    - debian/patches/02_dont_crash_on_non-bluetooth_card.patch:
      + Avoid crashing when receiving event for cards blueman shouldn't handle
    - debian/control: Don't depend on python-appindicator
    - debian/patches/03_filemanager_fix.patch:
      + Add support for more filemanagers

Blueman 2.0 introduces many bug fixes, has been migrated gsettings.
It is significantly improved over the 1.99 alpha1 version in the
Ubuntu wily archive.

Changelog entries since current wily version 1.99~alpha1-1ubuntu1:

blueman (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- Christopher Schramm <email address hidden> Sun, 24 May 2015 10:08:00 +0200

blueman (2.0~rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (Closes: #757633)

 -- Christopher Schramm <email address hidden> Wed, 13 May 2015 17:08:00 +0200

blueman (1.99~alpha2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (Closes: #779613, #764635, #762526, #762527, #549274,
                          #652005, #761284, #761286)

 -- Christopher Schramm <email address hidden> Fri, 06 Mar 2015 10:12:00 +0200