Oops - I was trying to run kded not kded4.
However, if I try to run kded4 from konsole, it still crashes:
phil@philsx335:~$ kded4
QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method KUniqueApplication::loadCommandLineOptionsForNewInstance()
QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kded4 from kdeinit
kded(16307): Communication problem with "kded" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
phil@philsx335:~$ KCrash: Application 'kded4' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
-- Information about the crash:
<In detail, tell us what you were doing when the application crashed.>
The crash can be reproduced every time.
-- Backtrace:
Application: KDE Dæmon (kded4), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]
#7 0x02db4714 in QObject::connect (sender=0xb7851710, signal=0x1d9ef68 "2SessionConnected(QDBusObjectPath)", receiver=0x8b0e200, method=0x1d9ef44 "1SessionConnected(QDBusObjectPath)", type=Qt::AutoConnection) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2491
#8 0x01d91850 in ObexFtpDaemon::ObexFtpDaemon(QObject*, QList<QVariant> const&) () from /usr/lib/kde4/kded_obexftpdaemon.so
#9 0x01d99068 in QObject* KPluginFactory::createInstance<ObexFtpDaemon, QObject>(QWidget*, QObject*, QList<QVariant> const&) () from /usr/lib/kde4/kded_obexftpdaemon.so
#10 0x00dbb450 in KPluginFactory::create (this=0x8b11bc0, iface=0x8b0e200 "\b\035\332\001 \026\261\b8\352\260\b\270\346\260\b", parentWidget=0x0, parent=0x8a12fa8, args=..., keyword=...) at ../../kdecore/util/kpluginfactory.cpp:191
#11 0x00a6821b in create<KDEDModule> (this=0x8a12fa8, s=..., onDemand=false) at ../../kdecore/util/kpluginfactory.h:491
#12 Kded::loadModule (this=0x8a12fa8, s=..., onDemand=false) at ../../kded/kded.cpp:381
#13 0x00a6a0c7 in Kded::initModules (this=0x8a12fa8) at ../../kded/kded.cpp:239
#14 0x00a6c531 in KDEDApplication::newInstance (this=0xbf980e90) at ../../kded/kded.cpp:818
#15 0x00564800 in KUniqueApplicationAdaptor::newInstance (this=0x8ad94e8, asn_id=..., args=...) at ../../kdeui/kernel/kuniqueapplication.cpp:440
#16 0x00564f62 in KUniqueApplicationAdaptor::qt_metacall (this=0x8ad94e8, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=0, _a=0xbf9803cc) at ./kuniqueapplication_p.moc:81
#17 0x0079d9dc in QDBusConnectionPrivate::deliverCall (this=0x8a0dfb0, object=0x8ad94e8, msg=..., metaTypes=..., slotIdx=4) at qdbusintegrator.cpp:916
#18 0x0079ecbf in QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateCall (this=0x8a0dfb0, object=0x8ad94e8, flags=337, msg=...) at qdbusintegrator.cpp:819
#19 0x0079f770 in QDBusConnectionPrivate::activateObject (this=0x8a0dfb0, node=..., msg=..., pathStartPos=16) at qdbusintegrator.cpp:1376
#20 0x0079fa2a in QDBusActivateObjectEvent::placeMetaCall (this=0x8adfe70) at qdbusintegrator.cpp:1490
#21 0x02db06a2 in QObject::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0xb7851710) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1219
#22 0x02d9d9db in QCoreApplication::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1561
#23 0x010a9524 in QApplication::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2439
#24 0x010a602c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=0x8a17c08, receiver=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:4396
#25 0x010ac09e in QApplication::notify (this=0xbf980e90, receiver=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:3798
#26 0x0055c68a in KApplication::notify (this=0xbf980e90, receiver=0xbf980e90, event=0x8adfe70) at ../../kdeui/kernel/kapplication.cpp:310
#27 0x02d9db3b in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal (this=0xbf980e90, receiver=0xbf980e90, event=0x8adfe70) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:732
#28 0x02da0d8b in sendEvent (receiver=0x0, event_type=0, data=0x89f6860) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:215
#29 QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents (receiver=0x0, event_type=0, data=0x89f6860) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1373
#30 0x02da0f4d in QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents (receiver=0x0, event_type=0) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1266
#31 0x02dcca74 in sendPostedEvents (s=0x8a1a110) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:220
#32 postEventSourceDispatch (s=0x8a1a110) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:277
#33 0x04d4f015 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#34 0x04d52e28 in ?? () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#35 0x04d53008 in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#36 0x02dcc565 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x89f6310, flags=...) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:415
#37 0x01167a35 in QGuiEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x89f6310, flags=...) at kernel/qguieventdispatcher_glib.cpp:204
#38 0x02d9c609 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0xbf980de4, flags=) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:149
#39 0x02d9ca8a in QEventLoop::exec (this=0xbf980de4, flags=...) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:201
#40 0x02da100f in QCoreApplication::exec () at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1009
#41 0x010a4e57 in QApplication::exec () at kernel/qapplication.cpp:3672
#42 0x00a6acf7 in kdemain (argc=1, argv=0xbf9810b4) at ../../kded/kded.cpp:894
#43 0x080486ab in main (argc=1, argv=0xbf9810b4) at kded4_dummy.cpp:3
Oops - I was trying to run kded not kded4.
However, if I try to run kded4 from konsole, it still crashes:
phil@philsx335:~$ kded4 :invokeMethod: No such method KUniqueApplicat ion::loadComman dLineOptionsFor NewInstance( ) /home/phil/ .kde/socket- philsx335/ kdeinit4_ _0 p.DBus. Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kded4 from kdeinit
kded(16307): Communication problem with "kded" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedeskto
phil@philsx335:~$ KCrash: Application 'kded4' crashing... kde4/libexec/ drkonqi from kdeinit /home/phil/ .kde/socket- philsx335/ kdeinit4_ _0
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/
Application: kded4 ($Id: kded.cpp 1156841 2010-07-29 19:59:05Z zander $)
KDE Platform Version: 4.5.1 (KDE 4.5.1)
Qt Version: 4.7.0
Operating System: Linux 2.6.35-22-generic i686
Distribution: Ubuntu maverick (development branch)
-- Information about the crash:
<In detail, tell us what you were doing when the application crashed.>
The crash can be reproduced every time.
-- Backtrace: ted(QDBusObject Path)", receiver=0x8b0e200, method=0x1d9ef44 "1SessionConnec ted(QDBusObject Path)", type=Qt: :AutoConnection ) at kernel/ qobject. cpp:2491 :ObexFtpDaemon( QObject* , QList<QVariant> const&) () from /usr/lib/ kde4/kded_ obexftpdaemon. so :createInstance <ObexFtpDaemon, QObject>(QWidget*, QObject*, QList<QVariant> const&) () from /usr/lib/ kde4/kded_ obexftpdaemon. so :create (this=0x8b11bc0, iface=0x8b0e200 "\b\035\332\001 \026\261\ b8\352\ 260\b\270\ 346\260\ b", parentWidget=0x0, parent=0x8a12fa8, args=..., keyword=...) at ../../kdecore/ util/kpluginfac tory.cpp: 191 util/kpluginfac tory.h: 491 kded.cpp: 381 kded.cpp: 239 ::newInstance (this=0xbf980e90) at ../../kded/ kded.cpp: 818 ionAdaptor: :newInstance (this=0x8ad94e8, asn_id=..., args=...) at ../../kdeui/ kernel/ kuniqueapplicat ion.cpp: 440 ionAdaptor: :qt_metacall (this=0x8ad94e8, _c=QMetaObject: :InvokeMetaMeth od, _id=0, _a=0xbf9803cc) at ./kuniqueapplic ation_p. moc:81 Private: :deliverCall (this=0x8a0dfb0, object=0x8ad94e8, msg=..., metaTypes=..., slotIdx=4) at qdbusintegrator .cpp:916 Private: :activateCall (this=0x8a0dfb0, object=0x8ad94e8, flags=337, msg=...) at qdbusintegrator .cpp:819 Private: :activateObject (this=0x8a0dfb0, node=..., msg=..., pathStartPos=16) at qdbusintegrator .cpp:1376 jectEvent: :placeMetaCall (this=0x8adfe70) at qdbusintegrator .cpp:1490 qobject. cpp:1219 n::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.cpp:1561 qapplication. cpp:2439 vate::notify_ helper (this=0x8a17c08, receiver= 0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/ qapplication. cpp:4396 :notify (this=0xbf980e90, receiver= 0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/ qapplication. cpp:3798 :notify (this=0xbf980e90, receiver= 0xbf980e90, event=0x8adfe70) at ../../kdeui/ kernel/ kapplication. cpp:310 n::notifyIntern al (this=0xbf980e90, receiver= 0xbf980e90, event=0x8adfe70) at kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.cpp:732 QtCore/ ../../src/ corelib/ kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.h:215 nPrivate: :sendPostedEven ts (receiver=0x0, event_type=0, data=0x89f6860) at kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.cpp:1373 n::sendPostedEv ents (receiver=0x0, event_type=0) at kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.cpp:1266 QtCore/ ../../src/ corelib/ kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.h:220 Dispatch (s=0x8a1a110) at kernel/ qeventdispatche r_glib. cpp:277 context_ dispatch () from /lib/libglib- 2.0.so. 0 2.0.so. 0 context_ iteration () from /lib/libglib- 2.0.so. 0 rGlib:: processEvents (this=0x89f6310, flags=...) at kernel/ qeventdispatche r_glib. cpp:415 cherGlib: :processEvents (this=0x89f6310, flags=...) at kernel/ qguieventdispat cher_glib. cpp:204 :processEvents (this=0xbf980de4, flags=) at kernel/ qeventloop. cpp:149 qeventloop. cpp:201 n::exec () at kernel/ qcoreapplicatio n.cpp:1009 qapplication. cpp:3672 kded.cpp: 894
Application: KDE Dæmon (kded4), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]
#7 0x02db4714 in QObject::connect (sender=0xb7851710, signal=0x1d9ef68 "2SessionConnec
#8 0x01d91850 in ObexFtpDaemon:
#9 0x01d99068 in QObject* KPluginFactory:
#10 0x00dbb450 in KPluginFactory:
#11 0x00a6821b in create<KDEDModule> (this=0x8a12fa8, s=..., onDemand=false) at ../../kdecore/
#12 Kded::loadModule (this=0x8a12fa8, s=..., onDemand=false) at ../../kded/
#13 0x00a6a0c7 in Kded::initModules (this=0x8a12fa8) at ../../kded/
#14 0x00a6c531 in KDEDApplication
#15 0x00564800 in KUniqueApplicat
#16 0x00564f62 in KUniqueApplicat
#17 0x0079d9dc in QDBusConnection
#18 0x0079ecbf in QDBusConnection
#19 0x0079f770 in QDBusConnection
#20 0x0079fa2a in QDBusActivateOb
#21 0x02db06a2 in QObject::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0xb7851710) at kernel/
#22 0x02d9d9db in QCoreApplicatio
#23 0x010a9524 in QApplication::event (this=0xbf980e90, e=0x8adfe70) at kernel/
#24 0x010a602c in QApplicationPri
#25 0x010ac09e in QApplication:
#26 0x0055c68a in KApplication:
#27 0x02d9db3b in QCoreApplicatio
#28 0x02da0d8b in sendEvent (receiver=0x0, event_type=0, data=0x89f6860) at ../../include/
#29 QCoreApplicatio
#30 0x02da0f4d in QCoreApplicatio
#31 0x02dcca74 in sendPostedEvents (s=0x8a1a110) at ../../include/
#32 postEventSource
#33 0x04d4f015 in g_main_
#34 0x04d52e28 in ?? () from /lib/libglib-
#35 0x04d53008 in g_main_
#36 0x02dcc565 in QEventDispatche
#37 0x01167a35 in QGuiEventDispat
#38 0x02d9c609 in QEventLoop:
#39 0x02d9ca8a in QEventLoop::exec (this=0xbf980de4, flags=...) at kernel/
#40 0x02da100f in QCoreApplicatio
#41 0x010a4e57 in QApplication::exec () at kernel/
#42 0x00a6acf7 in kdemain (argc=1, argv=0xbf9810b4) at ../../kded/
#43 0x080486ab in main (argc=1, argv=0xbf9810b4) at kded4_dummy.cpp:3