In fact I would like to *continue* to use this feature. It seems have broken with the release upgrade to 13.04. I used to have a file [/var]/run/bind/named.options, created by resolvconf. I think it was done by /etc/resolvconf/update.d/bind.
It seems like this file had been removed from resolvconf in 1.53. The changelog fro this version contains:
* Remove /etc/resolvconf/update.d/bind (Closes: #608933, #268073).
Instead of this, the bind9 package should include a hook script
/etc/resolvconf/update.d/bind9 as has been requested in #483098.
I really don't care, if this file is moved from resolvconf to bind9 or not, but some package shall provide it. Fortunately I have a backup. I copied the file and the service started to work again.
However, I really hate that this will break with every release upgrade. Sp lease get this included with some package again.
Here is my use case:
I have a local network with some machines, which I want to be able to connect to by name. Hence, I need a name relolution for local names. My solution is to set up a name server on my router, which is authoritative for local names and forwards everything else to my providers name servers. Using resolvconf and bind9, this works fine as long as I configure the provider's name servers in /etc/var/named.conf.options. But what, if the provider changes his nameservers? My service would start to fail and my service is interrupted until I figure out, that the reason is the changed IP addresses of the providers name servers. Resolvconf does have the current IP addresses of the providers name servers. So I want it to generate the forwarders clause for bind9.
In fact I would like to *continue* to use this feature. It seems have broken with the release upgrade to 13.04. I used to have a file [/var]/ run/bind/ named.options, created by resolvconf. I think it was done by /etc/resolvconf /update. d/bind.
It seems like this file had been removed from resolvconf in 1.53. The changelog fro this version contains:
* Remove /etc/resolvconf /update. d/bind (Closes: #608933, #268073). resolvconf/ update. d/bind9 as has been requested in #483098.
Instead of this, the bind9 package should include a hook script
I really don't care, if this file is moved from resolvconf to bind9 or not, but some package shall provide it. Fortunately I have a backup. I copied the file and the service started to work again.
However, I really hate that this will break with every release upgrade. Sp lease get this included with some package again.
Here is my use case:
I have a local network with some machines, which I want to be able to connect to by name. Hence, I need a name relolution for local names. My solution is to set up a name server on my router, which is authoritative for local names and forwards everything else to my providers name servers. Using resolvconf and bind9, this works fine as long as I configure the provider's name servers in /etc/var/ named.conf. options. But what, if the provider changes his nameservers? My service would start to fail and my service is interrupted until I figure out, that the reason is the changed IP addresses of the providers name servers. Resolvconf does have the current IP addresses of the providers name servers. So I want it to generate the forwarders clause for bind9.