atop fails autopkgtest on armhf[1]
453s autopkgtest [10:04:02]: test 01-numcpus: [-----------------------
459s autopkgtest 01-numcpus failedatop thinks 0 CPUs, truth is 8 CPUs
462s /tmp/autopkgtest.qzseyS/build.3A3/src/debian/tests/01-numcpus: line 15: 886 Floating point exception(core dumped) atop -P cpu 5 1 1>&2
462s # The following is the parsable format, which can be fed to other
462s # programs. Each different item in every column has an unique ID
462s # starting usually from zero.
462s # CPU,Core,Socket,Node
462s 0,0,0,0
462s 1,1,0,0
462s 2,2,0,0
462s 3,3,0,0
462s 4,4,0,0
462s 5,5,0,0
462s 6,6,0,0
462s 7,7,0,0
463s autopkgtest [10:04:12]: test 01-numcpus: -----------------------]
467s autopkgtest [10:04:16]: test 01-numcpus: - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
467s 01-numcpus FAIL non-zero exit status 1
Armhf tests are performed in lxc containers.
atop tries to read data from `/var/run/pacct_shadow.d/0000000000.paf` provided by ./atopacctd
which fails to start with ` cannot switch on process accounting: Operation not permitted` but leaves the shadow file behind.
Atop tries to read it, finds empty file, retries (handling `daemon is still starting` condition) but does not handle retry timeout correctly and ends up with empty accounting size record.
atop fails autopkgtest on armhf[1] ------- ------- --- t.qzseyS/ build.3A3/ src/debian/ tests/01- numcpus: line 15: 886 Floating point exception(core dumped) atop -P cpu 5 1 1>&2 Socket, Node ------- ------- --]
453s autopkgtest [10:04:02]: test 01-numcpus: [------
459s autopkgtest 01-numcpus failedatop thinks 0 CPUs, truth is 8 CPUs
462s /tmp/autopkgtes
462s # The following is the parsable format, which can be fed to other
462s # programs. Each different item in every column has an unique ID
462s # starting usually from zero.
462s # CPU,Core,
462s 0,0,0,0
462s 1,1,0,0
462s 2,2,0,0
462s 3,3,0,0
462s 4,4,0,0
462s 5,5,0,0
462s 6,6,0,0
462s 7,7,0,0
463s autopkgtest [10:04:12]: test 01-numcpus: -------
467s autopkgtest [10:04:16]: test 01-numcpus: - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
467s 01-numcpus FAIL non-zero exit status 1
Armhf tests are performed in lxc containers.
atop tries to read data from `/var/run/ pacct_shadow. d/0000000000. paf` provided by ./atopacctd
which fails to start with ` cannot switch on process accounting: Operation not permitted` but leaves the shadow file behind.
Atop tries to read it, finds empty file, retries (handling `daemon is still starting` condition) but does not handle retry timeout correctly and ends up with empty accounting size record.
[1] https:/ /autopkgtest. ubuntu. com/results/ autopkgtest- mantic/ mantic/ armhf/a/ atop/20230921_ 100425_ 99856@/ log.gz