Comment 0 for bug 451

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Frode M. Døving (frode) wrote :

With the latest version of aterm (0.4.2-11) in breezy/universe (direct sync from debian)
I encountered problems copying (selecting text) from aterm, and pasting it (middle-click) in QT applications. (Tested with qtconfig, kde run dialog, konqueror, and kwrite). Pasting into firefox or gedit worked without problems.

I tested, just for the hell of it, to build my own packages (pbuilder hoary). In my package cut & paste into QT applications works. Only change I've done to the package, is to add a new entry in the changelog.

Don't know what caused this, but I've made my packages available at

The problem was encountered on a amd64 system, I've buildt the public package for i386. But the source is the same.

- Frode