Comment 21 for bug 1981672

Revision history for this message
Lenin (gagarin) wrote :


client/apt check reports:

 Fri Sep 23 08:59:06 2022 - apt NOT ok

Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

yellow Packages not installed from apt repositories (4):
   libnss-systemd:amd64 (249.11-0ubuntu3.4)
   libudev1:amd64 (249.11-0ubuntu3.4)
   systemd-sysv (249.11-0ubuntu3.4)
   systemd-timesyncd (249.11-0ubuntu3.4)

green Last apt update: 0.1 day(s) ago

without checking if packages were installed while a phased update is going on:

one workaround would be to patch the check with:
pkgreport('Packages not installed from apt repositories (maybe phased?)', 'green', @no_repo);

but that would blind us on seeing packages really not installed from packages (and not phased updates)