I believe this is an apt bug. The resolver is working on xserver-xorg-core Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-6, and runs over its loop limit before it manages to finish. This is because it's spending one iteration of the master resolver loop per provider of xserver-xorg-video-6, when it could clear them all up in a single iteration. I believe that this is an anomaly in apt's handling of Breaks vs. Conflicts, as Conflicts do appear to cause it to try multiple providers in a single iteration of the master resolver loop.
I believe this is an apt bug. The resolver is working on xserver-xorg-core Breaks: xserver- xorg-video- 6, and runs over its loop limit before it manages to finish. This is because it's spending one iteration of the master resolver loop per provider of xserver- xorg-video- 6, when it could clear them all up in a single iteration. I believe that this is an anomaly in apt's handling of Breaks vs. Conflicts, as Conflicts do appear to cause it to try multiple providers in a single iteration of the master resolver loop.
I'm working on a patch for this now.