I've had a look into this and it seems that if I take the latest version of apt in wily and apply the changes as set out in https://github.com/Debian/apt/commit/8965b2f8e6738463c20f69e76ba888a8d77225e3 then I consistently get all descriptions showing both in English and other languages. I don't know the apt codebase, nor do I know c++, so this should be looked over by someone with a bit more knowledge.
I've had a look into this and it seems that if I take the latest version of apt in wily and apply the changes as set out in https:/ /github. com/Debian/ apt/commit/ 8965b2f8e673846 3c20f69e76ba888 a8d77225e3 then I consistently get all descriptions showing both in English and other languages. I don't know the apt codebase, nor do I know c++, so this should be looked over by someone with a bit more knowledge.