My 12.04.5 LTS occasionally grinds to a halt with login nearly impossible. Finally I caught this remote embedded 256Mbyte system in the act and found update-apt-xapi had driven the machine well into swap. Hopefully apt-get remove apt-xapian-index will prevent this happening again until this long-standing defect is fixed. Perhaps mmap its big RAM data to /tmp/something and put in a substantial sleep in its main loop.
My 12.04.5 LTS occasionally grinds to a halt with login nearly impossible. Finally I caught this remote embedded 256Mbyte system in the act and found update-apt-xapi had driven the machine well into swap. Hopefully apt-get remove apt-xapian-index will prevent this happening again until this long-standing defect is fixed. Perhaps mmap its big RAM data to /tmp/something and put in a substantial sleep in its main loop.