juser@averatec:/var/log$ cat apt-proxy.log
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Log opened.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (/usr/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] reactor class: <class 'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'>
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Changing process name to apt-proxy
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Log opened.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (/usr/sbin/apt-proxy 2.5.2) starting up
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] reactor class: <class 'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'>
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] apt_proxy.apt_proxy.Factory starting on 9999
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Starting factory <apt_proxy.apt_proxy.Factory instance at 0x9e3f52c>
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] set uid/gid 106/65534
juser@averatec:/var/log$ grep port /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf
;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999
;telnet_port = 9998
enable Debugging remote python console:
juser@averatec:/var/log$ grep port /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf
;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999
telnet_port = 9998
/etc/init.d/apt-proxy restart
* Stopping apt-proxy [ OK ]
* Starting apt-proxy /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/manhole/telnet.py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted.protocols.telnet is deprecated. See twisted.conch.telnet for the current, supported API.
from twisted.protocols import telnet
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/manhole/telnet.py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted.protocols.telnet is deprecated. See twisted.conch.telnet for the current, supported API.
from twisted.protocols import telnet
yes. but the config now hides it:
$ sudo apt-get install apt-proxy
juser@averatec: /var/log$ cat apt-proxy.log internet. selectreactor. SelectReactor' > apt-proxy 2.5.2) starting up internet. selectreactor. SelectReactor' > apt_proxy. Factory starting on 9999 apt_proxy. Factory instance at 0x9e3f52c>
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Log opened.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (/usr/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] reactor class: <class 'twisted.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Changing process name to apt-proxy
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Log opened.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (/usr/sbin/
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] reactor class: <class 'twisted.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] apt_proxy.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] Starting factory <apt_proxy.
2008-11-01 15:15:03-0500 [-] set uid/gid 106/65534
juser@averatec: /var/log$ grep port /etc/apt- proxy/apt- proxy-v2. conf
;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999
;telnet_port = 9998
enable Debugging remote python console:
juser@averatec: /var/log$ grep port /etc/apt- proxy/apt- proxy-v2. conf
;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999
telnet_port = 9998
/etc/init. d/apt-proxy restart python2. 5/site- packages/ twisted/ manhole/ telnet. py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted. protocols. telnet is deprecated. See twisted. conch.telnet for the current, supported API. python2. 5/site- packages/ twisted/ manhole/ telnet. py:8: DeprecationWarning: As of Twisted 2.1, twisted. protocols. telnet is deprecated. See twisted. conch.telnet for the current, supported API.
* Stopping apt-proxy [ OK ]
* Starting apt-proxy /usr/lib/
from twisted.protocols import telnet
from twisted.protocols import telnet