I'm almost certain this is caused by the server autoinstall method.
After doing another manual server install (interactive), and installing ubuntu-desktop-minimal, I just need to do a `snap refresh snapd` to fix the issue with the software store. /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream is present without any extra steps.
If I do an autoinstall, and list appstream as the only package to install, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream is missing.
The command run by the installer is below:
/usr/bin/apt-get --quiet --assume-yes --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install appstream
But if I run this manually on a clean system, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream is present. So the issue must be something else related to the autoinstall.
I can only replicate this issue if using the Ubuntu Autoinstall method.
Should I open a separate issue for this? I've already added subiquity package to the affected packages list.
Had some time to test this more.
I'm almost certain this is caused by the server autoinstall method.
After doing another manual server install (interactive), and installing ubuntu- desktop- minimal, I just need to do a `snap refresh snapd` to fix the issue with the software store. /etc/apt/ apt.conf. d/50appstream is present without any extra steps.
If I do an autoinstall, and list appstream as the only package to install, /etc/apt/ apt.conf. d/50appstream is missing. Dpkg::options: :=--force- unsafe- io --option= Dpkg::Options: :=--force- confold install appstream
The command run by the installer is below:
/usr/bin/apt-get --quiet --assume-yes --option=
But if I run this manually on a clean system, /etc/apt/ apt.conf. d/50appstream is present. So the issue must be something else related to the autoinstall.
I can only replicate this issue if using the Ubuntu Autoinstall method.
Should I open a separate issue for this? I've already added subiquity package to the affected packages list.