where submission_key is the unique ID provided by checkbox in the field "field.submission_key" when it uploads the hardware report via https://launchpad.net/+hwdb/+submit .
So, apport can now create these links between bugs and and hardware reports -- if it knows the submission_key.
IIRC the problem remains that checkbox does not store at present submission_key on the user's machine.
Abel writes:
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Finally, Launchpad is able to link bugs and hardware profiles via the LP webservice API.
If bug is a launchpadlib object representing a bug, and if hwsubmission is the launchpadlib representation of a hardware report in Launchpad, call
bug. linkHWSubmissio n(hwsubmission)
to link the bag und the hardware report.
You can create the hwsubmission object by calling
hwsubmission = lp.load('https:/ /api.edge. launchpad. net/beta/ +hwdb/+ submission/ %s' % submission_key)
where submission_key is the unique ID provided by checkbox in the field "field. submission_ key" when it uploads the hardware report via https:/ /launchpad. net/+hwdb/ +submit .
So, apport can now create these links between bugs and and hardware reports -- if it knows the submission_key.
IIRC the problem remains that checkbox does not store at present submission_key on the user's machine.
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