After the .crash file has been generated, specifying APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES has no effect. You can edit the .crash file to remove the UnreportableReason section and then file it. Apport should provide a switch or env variable which enables this if the UnreportableReason is due to obsolete files.
One use case of this is: When I implemented the freeze hook for apport, I wanted to verify the .crash file was including the proper info. However the system was not fully up to date so the .crash file could not be posted. Having to bring the system 100% up to date and then re-trigger a new freeze in order to generate a valid .crash file was time consuming.
After the .crash file has been generated, specifying APPORT_ IGNORE_ OBSOLETE_ PACKAGES has no effect. You can edit the .crash file to remove the UnreportableReason section and then file it. Apport should provide a switch or env variable which enables this if the UnreportableReason is due to obsolete files.
One use case of this is: When I implemented the freeze hook for apport, I wanted to verify the .crash file was including the proper info. However the system was not fully up to date so the .crash file could not be posted. Having to bring the system 100% up to date and then re-trigger a new freeze in order to generate a valid .crash file was time consuming.