* debian/control: Add python-xdg dependency to apport, since apport-cli
needs it. (LP: #177095)
* apport/ui.py: Add test case for reporting a report which has been
preprocessed by apport-retrace, i. e. has a stack trace, but no core dump
any more (reproducing LP #185084).
* apport/ui.py, run_crash(): Do not reject reports which have a stack trace,
but no core dump. (LP: #185084)
* apport/report.py: Fix test_add_gdb_info_load() test case, the temporary
executable was already deleted when gdb ran the second time.
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:48:06 +0000
This bug was fixed in the package apport - 0.101
apport (0.101) hardy; urgency=low
* debian/control: Add python-xdg dependency to apport, since apport-cli gdb_info_ load() test case, the temporary
needs it. (LP: #177095)
* apport/ui.py: Add test case for reporting a report which has been
preprocessed by apport-retrace, i. e. has a stack trace, but no core dump
any more (reproducing LP #185084).
* apport/ui.py, run_crash(): Do not reject reports which have a stack trace,
but no core dump. (LP: #185084)
* apport/report.py: Fix test_add_
executable was already deleted when gdb ran the second time.
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:48:06 +0000