Comment 2 for bug 1084624

Revision history for this message
Evan (ev) wrote :

As part of the Ubuntu Error Tracker sprint this past week, we decided against the implementation of this as it would not adequately address the problem it set out to solve: providing a link between a user and a developer when the developer needs to converse with someone a bit more about the problem.

An input box that resulted in a description field in the database would likely result in lots of "I don't know" type responses, with no ability for the developer to follow up.

Instead, we will provide a checkbox in the server-side hooks page to request that the next user to experience this particular crash report it on Launchpad (if we're still in the development release). Apport will talk to Daisy via its REST API to see if we are asking to report the given StacktraceAddressSignature on Launchpad. If so, it will file this on Launchpad with just the SAS and a tag that crash-digger can use to identify and link this to an issue. When crash-digger creates such a link, it will tell Daisy to notify the developer that they now have a user they can communicate with.