You are right that there are two places this is defined: in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/ubuntu-integration and in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince.
I'll adjust apparmor to fix ubuntu-integration to use the exo-open abstraction.
There is an evince task though because we don't want it to use the ubuntu-integration abstraction. Instead the exo-open stanza in the usr.bin.evince should just include the exo-open abstraction. Ie, replace this:
# For Xubuntu to launch the browser
/usr/bin/exo-open ixr,
/usr/lib/@{multiarch}/xfce4/exo-1/exo-helper-1 ixr,
/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/helpers.rc r,
/etc/xdg/xfce4/helpers.rc r,
with this:
# For Xubuntu to launch the browser
#include <abstractions/exo-open>
You are right that there are two places this is defined: in /etc/apparmor. d/abstractions/ ubuntu- browsers. d/ubuntu- integration and in /etc/apparmor. d/usr.bin. evince.
I'll adjust apparmor to fix ubuntu-integration to use the exo-open abstraction.
There is an evince task though because we don't want it to use the ubuntu-integration abstraction. Instead the exo-open stanza in the usr.bin.evince should just include the exo-open abstraction. Ie, replace this:
# For Xubuntu to launch the browser lib/@{multiarch }/xfce4/ exo-1/exo- helper- 1 ixr, xdg/xdg- xubuntu/ xfce4/helpers. rc r, xdg/xfce4/ helpers. rc r,
/usr/bin/exo-open ixr,
with this:
# For Xubuntu to launch the browser exo-open>
#include <abstractions/