* Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
- Ubuntu-specific patches:
+ ubuntu/add-chromium-browser.patch
+ ubuntu/communitheme-snap-support.patch
+ ubuntu/mimeinfo-snap-support.patch
+ ubuntu/parser-conf-no-expr-simplify.patch
+ ubuntu/profiles-grant-access-to-systemd-resolved.patch
+ upstream-dont-allow-fontconfig-cache-write.patch
+ upstream-tests-mult-mount-bump-size-of-created-disk.patch
- debian/apparmor.{install,maintscript}: feature pinning is not used in
- debian/apparmor.preinst: remove cache files on upgrade to 2.13
- debian/apparmor-profiles.install: install Ubuntu chromium-browser
profile and abstraction
- debian/apparmor-profiles.lintian-overrides: update for chromium-browser
profile having read access to dpkg database for lsb-release
- debian/apparmor-profiles.postinst: ubuntu-browsers.d/chromium-browser
abstraction if it doesn't exist
- debian/control: adjust the Vcs-{Browser,Git} control fields to reflect
the branch where the Ubuntu packaging is maintained.
- debian/gbp.conf: use ubuntu/master as the debian-branch
- debian/patches/series: comment out debian-only patches
- debian/tests/control and debian/tests/compile-policy: don't test
thunderbird since the Ubuntu packaging doesn't ship a profile
* Drop the following patches, no longer needed:
- python3.8-ac.diff
* debian/control: drop Breaks on media-hub, mediascanner2.0, messaging-app,
and webbrowser-app which was needed for upgrades to bionic (LP: #1797242)
* upstream-adjust-for-ibus-1.5.22.patch: update ibus abstract path for ibus
* upstream-adjust-gnome-for-mimeapps.patch: abstractions/gnome: also allow
/etc/xdg/mimeapps.list (LP: #1792027)
apparmor (2.13.3-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add explicit build dependency on dh-python, so that this package
can built with python3-defaults 3.7.5-3.
This bug was fixed in the package apparmor - 2.13.3-7ubuntu1
apparmor (2.13.3-7ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Merge from Debian. Remaining changes: add-chromium- browser. patch communitheme- snap-support. patch mimeinfo- snap-support. patch parser- conf-no- expr-simplify. patch profiles- grant-access- to-systemd- resolved. patch dont-allow- fontconfig- cache-write. patch tests-mult- mount-bump- size-of- created- disk.patch apparmor. {install, maintscript} : feature pinning is not used in apparmor. preinst: remove cache files on upgrade to 2.13 apparmor- profiles. install: install Ubuntu chromium-browser apparmor- profiles. lintian- overrides: update for chromium-browser apparmor- profiles. postinst: ubuntu- browsers. d/chromium- browser patches/ series: comment out debian-only patches tests/control and debian/ tests/compile- policy: don't test adjust- for-ibus- 1.5.22. patch: update ibus abstract path for ibus adjust- gnome-for- mimeapps. patch: abstractions/gnome: also allow xdg/mimeapps. list (LP: #1792027)
- Ubuntu-specific patches:
+ ubuntu/
+ ubuntu/
+ ubuntu/
+ ubuntu/
+ ubuntu/
+ upstream-
+ upstream-
- debian/
- debian/
- debian/
profile and abstraction
- debian/
profile having read access to dpkg database for lsb-release
- debian/
abstraction if it doesn't exist
- debian/control: adjust the Vcs-{Browser,Git} control fields to reflect
the branch where the Ubuntu packaging is maintained.
- debian/gbp.conf: use ubuntu/master as the debian-branch
- debian/
- debian/
thunderbird since the Ubuntu packaging doesn't ship a profile
* Drop the following patches, no longer needed:
- python3.8-ac.diff
* debian/control: drop Breaks on media-hub, mediascanner2.0, messaging-app,
and webbrowser-app which was needed for upgrades to bionic (LP: #1797242)
* upstream-
* upstream-
apparmor (2.13.3-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add explicit build dependency on dh-python, so that this package
can built with python3-defaults 3.7.5-3.
apparmor (2.13.3-6) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Matthias Klose ] mr-430- Fix-a-Python- 3.8-autoconf- check.patch (Closes: #943657).
* debian/rules: ensure "set -e" is honored (Closes: #943649).
* Add upstream-
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:50:00 +0000