Comment 0 for bug 1443313

Revision history for this message
XiaoGuo, Liu (liu-xiao-guo) wrote :

I have a sample application at:

bzr branch lp:~liu-xiao-guo/debiantrial/bubblekid

The application plays some background music using the following code:

        SoundEffect {
            id: bubblepop
            source: "sounds/bubblepop.wav"
            volume: 1.0

        MediaPlayer {
            id: backgroundMusic
            source: "sounds/background.mp3"
            autoPlay: true
            loops: MediaPlayer.Infinite
            volume: 1.0

The app works well on the phone and on the desktop environment without any problem. However, it cannot play the music in the emulator. A developer also found this problem, and she needs the feature to test the app since she does not have a phone yet.

Best regards,