I tried the same version of amarok, without rebuilding, with the current master of gstreamer.
(gstreamer commit:8140da74ba474d2f218c0c85944c89d6be38e545)
(gst-plugin-bad commit:2a3205b294cb881bb1d60ad9bf7c9841031fb2f4)
(gst-plugins-base commit:940c9998e5cfffd90fade8a7f39f29a426e20460)
This version seems to work without causing any freezes.
It also allows to seek and rewind on said aiff files.
As a workaround I decided to remove the gstreamer phonon backend and install the vlc one instead.
This problem will probably "solve itself", with the newer gstreamer libraries in the next Ubuntu versions.
This is most likely a gstreamer issue, that affects amarok, not an actual bug in amarok itself.
I tried the same version of amarok, without rebuilding, with the current master of gstreamer. 8140da74ba474d2 f218c0c85944c89 d6be38e545) 2a3205b294cb881 bb1d60ad9bf7c98 41031fb2f4) 940c9998e5cfffd 90fade8a7f39f29 a426e20460)
(gstreamer commit:
(gst-plugin-bad commit:
(gst-plugins-base commit:
This version seems to work without causing any freezes.
It also allows to seek and rewind on said aiff files.
As a workaround I decided to remove the gstreamer phonon backend and install the vlc one instead.
This problem will probably "solve itself", with the newer gstreamer libraries in the next Ubuntu versions.
This is most likely a gstreamer issue, that affects amarok, not an actual bug in amarok itself.