Comment 3 for bug 571972

Revision history for this message
Phil Kaslo (phil) wrote :

I found that the following change to the file libamu/mount_fs.c makes it work, for me:

# diff -c libamu/ libamu/mount_fs.c
*** libamu/ 2006-05-11 10:25:47.000000000 -0700
--- libamu/mount_fs.c 2010-05-18 17:41:13.000000000 -0700
*** 528,534 ****
     * struct nfs_args, or truncate our concocted "hostname:/path"
     * string prematurely.
! NFS_HN_DREF(nap->hostname, host_name);
    nap->flags |= MNT2_NFS_OPT_HOSTNAME;
  #endif /* MNT2_NFS_OPT_HOSTNAME */
--- 528,534 ----
     * struct nfs_args, or truncate our concocted "hostname:/path"
     * string prematurely.
! NFS_HN_DREF(nap->hostname, "localhost");
    nap->flags |= MNT2_NFS_OPT_HOSTNAME;
  #endif /* MNT2_NFS_OPT_HOSTNAME */


That is, change nap->hostname to "localhost" .
