Firstly, please remove all model quirks that you added for snd-hda-intel from /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf, then reboot.
Secondly, please note that neither mic boost setting has been activated for your mic jack or the built-in one. This is all dependent on the fact that you actually have both, since if you're using a model quirk it will have overridden your actual hardware.
Simple mixer control 'Analog Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: cenum
Items: '0dB' '10dB' '20dB' '30dB' '40dB'
Item0: '0dB'
Simple mixer control 'Int Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: cenum
Items: '0dB' '10dB' '20dB' '30dB' '40dB'
Item0: '0dB'
Firstly, please remove all model quirks that you added for snd-hda-intel from /etc/modprobe. d/*.conf, then reboot.
Secondly, please note that neither mic boost setting has been activated for your mic jack or the built-in one. This is all dependent on the fact that you actually have both, since if you're using a model quirk it will have overridden your actual hardware.
Simple mixer control 'Analog Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: cenum
Items: '0dB' '10dB' '20dB' '30dB' '40dB'
Item0: '0dB'
Simple mixer control 'Int Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: cenum
Items: '0dB' '10dB' '20dB' '30dB' '40dB'
Item0: '0dB'