I confirm this bug in Hardy LTS 8.04.1 with latest updates on 2009-01-13.
This is a bug and not a feature as the "Proxy" configuration page resides in the "Internet & Network" category. Nothing warns me that the modification will be spread on a so narrow range of applications.
I have to separately configure Firefox, apt-get/adept and all the other ones. A common way to configure browsers is to provide a javascript script in a file with extension .pac (meaning Proxy Auto Configuration) and providing a single function called "FindProxyForURL(url, host)" to determine whether direct access or a proxy should be used.
Why doesn't Kubuntu/Ubuntu provide such a script refering to the KDE Proxy configuration. This script would be pre-configured into Firefox, adept, ... and for applications which do not support PAC, why not implement this support as a new feature ? What a valuable contribution of Kubuntu/Ubuntu to the original mainstream projects it depends on !
This would, by the way, solve another annoyance : proxy exceptions are a pain to handle when a new "lan" host has to be manually added to firefox, kde, eclipse, ...
Finally, to be able to say Ubuntu is easier to use than OS x, squash Ubuntu's deficiencies and add X's advantages ! Here X is Microsoft Windows and the advantage is the "single point for proxy configuration".
I confirm this bug in Hardy LTS 8.04.1 with latest updates on 2009-01-13.
This is a bug and not a feature as the "Proxy" configuration page resides in the "Internet & Network" category. Nothing warns me that the modification will be spread on a so narrow range of applications.
I have to separately configure Firefox, apt-get/adept and all the other ones. A common way to configure browsers is to provide a javascript script in a file with extension .pac (meaning Proxy Auto Configuration) and providing a single function called "FindProxyForUR L(url, host)" to determine whether direct access or a proxy should be used.
Why doesn't Kubuntu/Ubuntu provide such a script refering to the KDE Proxy configuration. This script would be pre-configured into Firefox, adept, ... and for applications which do not support PAC, why not implement this support as a new feature ? What a valuable contribution of Kubuntu/Ubuntu to the original mainstream projects it depends on !
This would, by the way, solve another annoyance : proxy exceptions are a pain to handle when a new "lan" host has to be manually added to firefox, kde, eclipse, ...
Finally, to be able to say Ubuntu is easier to use than OS x, squash Ubuntu's deficiencies and add X's advantages ! Here X is Microsoft Windows and the advantage is the "single point for proxy configuration".