Comment 10 for bug 217182

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gw0 (gw-launchpad) wrote :

For Toshiba Portege M200: Isn't the root problem located in the fact that acpid doesn't trigger an event when you rotate? I can't see anything on the acpi_listen output, but if I check the contents of /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state the state changes from "open" to "closed". It seems that acpid doesn't pass this event further when it happens, just ignores. On the other hand a "lid" event is triggered correctly when I normally close the display (button/lid LID 00000080 00000005, button/lid LID 00000080 00000006).

Once this would work, one could write a acpi event handler like /etc/acpi/events/asus-rotate that calls the script /etc/acpi/ that would additionally also need to call: xsetwacom set stylus rotate ...

So, this is a problem connected with the packages "acpid" and "acpi-support".