Comment 18 for bug 1421923

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Dan Chapman  (dpniel) wrote :

Dekko will have POP3 support from the next update. So we will need to provide notification support for that as well.

I'm still not convinced that a polld plugin is the correct approach for this, it doesn't feel like it's going to scale well. I plan to add exchange ews & jmap protocols to Dekko in the future so that would mean creating more polld plugins that duplicates code and becomes more to maintain.

@Pat, @popey from the next update Dekko actually has a separate messaging server that can be run as a daemon, which Dekko communicates with over a local socket. Currently I'm just running it as another process on app launch. Is there some possibility that we could make this server blessed and run in the background somehow or at set intervals and allow it to do what we are trying to do with polld?

It already has most of the logic for notifications as it notifies any connected clients about new mail so it would be trivial to extend that to passing messages to the push service.

Or could we possibly turn it into a proper system service and restrict access via apparmor?

In reality I just don't believe that the majority of email server's out there will implement ubuntu push notifications without it becoming an rfc standard. The majority don't even do it for android/iOS as the IDLE and NOTIFY extensions provide the same thing for IMAP and for services that don't support those extensions are even less likely to support our push notifications.

Unfortunately polling has become so engrained in the email space that I don't think we can force that to change any time soon.