Comment 0 for bug 776892

Revision history for this message
Kip Warner (kip) wrote : streflop needs packaging

The streflop library needs packaging.

A computer has a finite memory, and cannot represent an infinity of numbers. If you add 0.1 + 0.1 in C++ you will probably not get the mathematical result 0.2. The problem is that what you get depends on many parameters. On one configuration, you may get something like 0.1995, and on another 0.1999. For the vast majority of programs, these small differences do not matter. But if you want to reproduce the same results twice, for a scientific experiment for example, on different machines or even on the same machine but with different options, then you have to be more careful. Much more careful, because these small differences can occasionally accumulate quite fast.

The STandalone REproducible FLOating-Point library which is the subject of this page allows you to control how the computations are done in C++. The goal is to make your programs give reliable and reproducible results.

License: LGPL