I've had a look now. can_expire is a wrapper around findExpirableBugTasks, which only looks at date_last_updated and not date_last_message. We should extend the query in findExpirableBugTasks to consider date_last_message.
While I think this is an easy bug to fix, I'm hesitant to tag it trivial, as I have this theory that ultimately no malone bug is trivial. But this is an easy one, definitely.
I've had a look now. can_expire is a wrapper around findExpirableBu gTasks, which only looks at date_last_updated and not date_last_message. We should extend the query in findExpirableBu gTasks to consider date_last_message.
While I think this is an easy bug to fix, I'm hesitant to tag it trivial, as I have this theory that ultimately no malone bug is trivial. But this is an easy one, definitely.