1. usbmount is left behind from earlier Ubuntu versions or manually installed.
Solution: remove the usbmount package. This is probably a Won't fix bug. If the usbmount package was automatically installed in earlier Ubuntu versions, it should have been removed in the upgrades.
2. A file system error causes the drive to be mounted read only
Solution: run fsck on the drive
3. Something gives wrong permission/user on the mount point.
Workaround: "chown _your_username_ /media/_mount_point". Actually, this seemed to be persistent for the device the next time it is connected.
I think there are three causes here:
1. usbmount is left behind from earlier Ubuntu versions or manually installed.
Solution: remove the usbmount package. This is probably a Won't fix bug. If the usbmount package was automatically installed in earlier Ubuntu versions, it should have been removed in the upgrades.
2. A file system error causes the drive to be mounted read only
Solution: run fsck on the drive
3. Something gives wrong permission/user on the mount point. _mount_ point". Actually, this seemed to be persistent for the device the next time it is connected.
Workaround: "chown _your_username_ /media/